コード MA11-01
系列 系列:Ⅰ. English Studies
授業科目 英語学入門
副題 (Introduction to Linguistics)
副専攻 M1
担当者 GATER W.
単位 4
期?曜時 通年 月3
対象学年 2年

 The first term will introduce the student to the basics of sound in phonetics and phonology, as well as a summary of morphology. The second term will concentrate mainly on issues in semantics.
 The aim of this course is to give the student an introduction to the fundamental principles of linguistics: phonetics, morphology and semantics.
 Selected handouts.
 Crystal: A First Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Palmer, F. Semantics.
 Short quizzes every second week as well as a final examination.
1.General introduction to the scope of linguistics.
2.A short history of linguistics.
3.The phonetics of speech.
4.The vocal organs.
5.Places of articulation.
6.Vowels and consonants.
7.The vowels of English and Japanese.
8.Consonants: stops and fricatives.
9.Consonants: trills, taps, laterals.
12.The field of phonology as opposed to phonetics.
13.Distinctive features and generative phonology.
14.Sound symbolism and phonesthemes.
15.The field of morphology.
16.Roots, prefixes, suffixes, infixes.
17.Grammatical processes: word order, composition.
18.Affixation, internal change,
19.Reduplication, variation in tone, pitch and stress.
20.The field of semantics.
21.Linguistic relativity and universalism.
22.Context and situation.
24.Lexical semantics: colour systems.
25.Collocation and idioms.
26.Synonomy, antonymy and hyponymy.
27.Polysemy and homonymy.
28.The sign: symbol, icon and index.
29.Historical semantics.
30.General revision and questions.

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