コード MA11-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 英語学入門
副専攻 M1
担当者 平山 真奈美
単位 4
期?曜時 通年 水3
対象学年 2年

 The purpose of this course is to learn the basic structure of English from a linguistic perspective, and to analyze English using linguistic concepts.
 We first look at English at the sentence level, including how sentences are interpreted in the larger context. We will then focus on levels lower than the sentence/context, i.e., how English sounds pattern and what the internal structure of words is like. We will compare English and Japanese at times. The course is both descriptive and analytic: we will learn the basic structure of English as well as the formal representation of the structure.
 Wardhaugh, Ronald. (2003). Understanding English Grammar: A Linguistic Approach. 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing (Note that it is the second edition.)
 It is very important to attend the class regularly; not only are the concepts explained in class, but we will also do many practice exercises. If you have any questions—content or administrative—you are strongly encouraged to raise them in the class.
 Quizzes (6) (30 %), First term test (30%), Final examination (40%)
1.Introduction: What is linguistics? (Ch. 1)
2.Syntax 1: Word classes, parts of speech (Ch. 2)
3.Syntax 2: Constituents and phrases (Ch. 3)
4.Syntax 3: Clauses I: Basic clauses (Ch. 4) [Quiz 1]
5.Syntax 4: Clauses II: Coordination and embedded clauses (Ch. 5)
6.Syntax 5: Clauses III: Clausal variation (Ch. 6)
7.Syntax 6: Underlying relationships I: Sentence generation (Ch. 7)
8.Syntax 7: Underlying relationships II (Ch. 7) [Quiz 2]
9.Syntax 8: Rules and principles (Ch. 8)
10.Syntax 9: Aspects (Readings TBA)
11.Semantics: Thematic roles (Readings TBA)
12.Pragmatics 1: Speech Act Theory (Readings TBA) [Quiz 3]
13.Pragmatics 2: Discourse structure (Readings TBA)
14.Review of first term
15.First term test
16.Phonetics 1: Transcription and orthography, speech organs, English consonants (Ch. 9)
17.Phonetics 2: English vowels (Ch. 9)
18.Phonetics 3: Suprasegmentals (Ch. 9, 13)
19.Phonology 1: Contrastive sounds, phonemes (Ch. 9) [Quiz 4]
20.Phonology 2: Allophony, underlying segments (Ch. 10)
21.Phonology 3: Derivation (Ch. 10)
22.Phonology 4: Dialectal variation (Ch. 10)
23.Phonology 5: The syllable (Ch. 13) [Quiz 5]
24.Morphology 1: What is a word? Morphemes and inflection (Ch. 11)
25.Morphophonemics 1: Allomorphy – consonants (Ch. 12)
26.Morphophonemics 2: Allomorphy – vowels (Ch. 12)
27.Morphophonemics 3: Stress (Ch. 12) [Quiz 6]
28.Morphology 2: Derivation, compounding (Ch. 11)
29.Review of second term
30.Final examination

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