コード MG28-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 英米文学特講8-2
副題 (A Writer's Life)
副専攻 M2
担当者 山田 由紀
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 金1
対象学年 3?4年

 The aim of this course is to analyze the collection of short stories, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers, by Yiyun Li. We will also contrast one of the short stories with the film, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers.
 Yiyun Li grew up in Beijing, China, came to the United States in 1996, and currently lives in Oakland, California. In an interview, Li states: "I have always said that there are two Chinas. The first is a country filled with people. The second is a country controlled by one party. I love the first China but do not love the second." We will read Li's work, watch the film, and try to see how the writer's life is related to her work.
 Yiyun Li, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers: Stories (2005)
 Other readings to be supplied as handouts.
 篠森ゆりこ 訳『千年の祈り』 新潮クレストブックス、2007年
 Other materials to be introduced in class.
 Active participation in class.
 Class attendance / assignments / term exam
1.Yiyun Li, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers
2.The first China: A country filled with people, like her family and many others
3.The second China: A country made rich from corruption and injustice
4.China today: Li's mixed feelings
5."A Thousand Years of Good Prayers" (a short story)
6.Mr. Shi, his daughter, and Madam
7.Language and culture
8.Mythology, history, and culture
9.A Thousand Years of Good Prayers (a Wayne Wang film)
10."Extra" (a short story)
11.Granny Lin, Old Tang, and Kang
12.Love overcoming political and personal repression
13.Li writing in English: "The most liberating experience"
14.Li, The Vagrants (a novel)
15.A universal portrait of human beings

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