コード AE12-01
系列 系列:英語
授業科目 2年英語1 A
担当者 藤井 彰子
単位 2
期?曜時 通年 水2
対象学年 2年

1. Practice different types of reading strategies
2. Learn how to identify logical organization of writing
3. Learn how to differentiate facts from opinions
4. Develop one's ideas and opinions through connecting ideas across readings
 This course is designed to enable English majors to acquire a variety of reading strategies: Students will learn to read for main ideas and for details, to recognize different text types, to identify logical organization of the text, and to make predictions about the text.
 Students will be encouraged to express their own ideas, responses, and opinions about the text orally and in writing. They will also be encouraged to widen their vocabulary and become skilled in using an English-English dictionary and online materials.
Q: Skills for Success 3 Reading and Writing, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Sub-text: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
 Regular class attendance is required. All deadlines must be met.
 Regular attendance, class participation, assignments, quizzes and final exams.
1.Overview of the Sophomore English course
2.Using English-English dictionary effectively
3.Making predictions about text
4.Identifying a topic and supporting details in a paragraph
5.Focus on an outline
6.Distinguishing between general and specific statements
7.Analyzing the text structure as a previewing strategy
8.Writing a summary
9.Paraphrasing sentences
10.Scanning for specific information; names, numbers, and dates
11.Distinguishing between facts and opinions
12.Focus on an outline
13.Writing an opinion paragraph
15.Review of the first semester
16.Overview of the second semester
17.Analyzing paragraphs for the main idea and its development
18.Identifying the pattern of organization in a reading
19.Focus on a timeline to determine sequence in text
20.Writing a summary
21.Connecting ideas across readings
22.Evaluating opinions
23.Giving examples and details to support one's opinion
24.Writing an opinion paragraph
25.Making inferences to maximize comprehension
26.Identifying the author's purpose, audience, and tone
27.Arguments and counterarguments
28.Connecting ideas across readings
30.Review of the course

Copyrights 2011 University of the Sacred Heart , Tokyo all rights reserved.

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