コード MC11-01
授業科目 2年英文演習1-1
副題 (Introduction to Second Language Learning)
副専攻 M1
担当者 藤井 彰子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 月2
対象学年 2年

 By the end of the course, students will 1) understand basic concepts about children learning a second language, 2) become familiar with approaches to teaching children, 3) understand current issues in English language education for children in Japan, 4) be able to develop a simple English lesson for children.
 This course is both theoretical and practical. First, students will be introduced to important concepts in second language learning by children. Students will deepen their knowledge about the topic through readings, group work, and class discussion, and also have an opportunity to improve their English reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills. Students will also practice developing a simple English lesson for children and present the lesson to the class.
 Handouts and other supplementary materials will be provided by the instructor.
 Complete the assigned readings before class, complete assignments on time, participate actively in class.
 Attendance, assignments, quizzes, and participation in class.
2.First language acquisition (1): Patterns
3.First language acquisition (2): Explanations
4.First and second language acquisition: A comparison
5.The effect of age on language learning: The earlier the better?
6.Theories about child development and learning
7.Approaches for teaching children: TPR, phonics
8.Approaches for teaching children: Stories
9.Approaches for teaching children: Multimedia
10.Contexts for language learning
11.Learning English in Japan: The school context
12.Learning English in Japan: Materials and other resources
13.Workshop: Lessons for children
14.Presentation of Original Lesson
15.Presentation of Original Lesson

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