コード MD08-01
授業科目 3年英米文学演習1-2
副題 (Images of Childhood)
副専攻 M2
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 月4
対象学年 3年

 Acquiring the ability to read and analyze texts. Acquiring the ability to contextualize some key works of children's literature. Acquiring presentation skills.
 This course focuses on some groundbreaking works of children's literature from the 19th and 20th centuries. What was the cultural context in which this literature was born? Why did the child and childhood suddenly attract so much attention? Students will be encouraged to engage imaginatively with the works, and to try out their own projects.
 To be announced.
 Handouts will be distributed in class.
 Reference books will be introduced in class.
 Active participation in class. Preparation for presentations. Preliminary reading. Observing deadlines for submitting assignments and/or creative work.
 class attendance/oral presentations/assignments/creative work/term paper
1.Images of Childhood 1: The Romantic Period
2.Images of Childhood 2: The Victorian Period
3.Alice in Wonderland 1
4.Alice in Wonderland 2
5.Nonsense Poems
6.The Roots of Victorian Fantasy: Andersen 1
7.The Roots of Victorian Fantasy: Andersen 2
8.Images of Childhood 3: The Edwardian Period
9.The Wind in the Willows 1
10.The Wind in the Willows 2
11.Images of Childhood 4: The Post-WWI Period
12.Winnie-the-Pooh 1
13.Winnie-the-Pooh 2
14.Developments in High Fantasy: Lewis and Tolkien 1
15.Developments in High Fantasy: Lewis and Tolkien 2

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