コード MD13-01
授業科目 3年英米文学演習4-1
副題 (Film, Poetry, Prose)
副専攻 M2
担当者 山田 由紀
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水3
対象学年 3年

 This seminar will focus on experiencing film, poetry, and prose in depth. We will also focus on writing about various literary forms including film.
 We will begin with a Curtis Hanson film, In Her Shoes (2005), focusing on the screenplay, the poems cited by the characters, and the lyrics of songs. We will also read stories and essays by Amy Tan and discuss the characteristics of Asian American writers.
 In Her Shoes (a Curtis Hanson film) 2005. 
Michael Meyer, Poetry: An Introduction, 7th ed. (2013)
Other readings to be supplied as handouts.
 Reference books will be introduced in class.
 Assigned readings must be completed before each class. Active participation in discussion is essential.
 Class attendance / oral presentations / assignments / term paper
1.Introduction: The power of words
2.A Curtis Hanson film, In Her Shoes (2005)
3.Reading the screenplay
4.Poets: Elizabeth Bishop and e. e. cummings
5.Works by American poets
6.Critical thinking and writing about film
7.Writing about poetry
8.Amy Tan's life and works
9.Reading stories by Amy Tan
10.Reading essays by Amy Tan
11.Cultural differences: Asia and America
12.Theme of "Family and Memory" in Asian American writers
13.Critical thinking and writing about prose
14.Discussion: Finding your own voice
15.Writing a term paper

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