コード MD63-01
授業科目 4年英米文学演習4-1
副題 (Thesis Research: Prose, Poetry, Lyrics)
副専攻 M2
担当者 山田 由紀
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 木3
対象学年 4年

 This seminar will focus on reading prose and poetry in depth, acquiring presentation skills, and writing about literature.
 We will read prose works by Asian American writers, read poems, analyze films, and share songs and lyrics. We will also focus on critical thinking and writing.
 Reading materials to be supplied as handouts.
 Joseph F. Trimmer, A Guide to MLA Documentation
 Thesis Sample Pages
 Other reference books will be introduced in class.
 Assigned readings must be completed before each class. Active participation in discussion is essential.
 Class attendance / oral presentations / assignments / term paper
1.Reading stories by Asian American writers
2.On writers and their work
3.Second generation voices
4.Fictions of memory
5.Critical approaches to and writing about fiction
6.Musicals and films: songs and lyrics
7.American music, film, and culture
8.What is "Americanization"?
9.Foreign writers writing in English
10.Reading Romantic poetry
11.Poets on their works
12.Critical approaches to and writing about poetry
13.Writing academic English
14.Online databases and bibliography
15.Writing and peer review

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