コード MF31-01
授業科目 英語学特講6-1
副題 (Second Language Learning and Teaching)
副専攻 M1
担当者 藤井 彰子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 金1
対象学年 2?3?4年

 By the end of the course, learners will be able to
1. explain in their own words current ideas about how a second language is learned
2. explain the learner's role in second language learning
3. understand their own language learning
 In this class, students will learn about the basic processes for second language learning and about the characteristics of good language learners, through reading, short lectures, and group discussion. Students will further develop their understanding of important concepts by keeping a record of their own language learning and analyzing their own language learning. Students will present their discoveries about their own language learning in their final group presentations and written reports.
 Johnson, K. (2008). Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (2nd Edition) Pearson Education
 Students are expected to complete all reading and writing assignments and participate actively in class.  
 Evaluation will be based on class attendance, reading and writing assignments, quizzes, class participation, presentations and a final paper.
1.Introduction: Your language learning diary
2.What does a learner need to know?
3.Contrasting views of language learning
4.Why learners make errors
5.The role of input
6.The role of output
7.The importance of noticing
8.The role of practice
9.Language learning ability
10.Motivation and attitude
11.Good language learners and what they do
12.Learning strategies
13.Group Presentations
14.Group Presentations
15.Written Reports

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