コード ML41-01
授業科目 英会話
副題 (English Through Media)
担当者 LEWIS A.
単位 4
期?曜時 通年 水4
対象学年 3?4年

 This course will provide the more advanced student with an opportunity to examine a number of issues through various forms of media.
 The student will analyze a number of high-interest, timely topics ranging from news and documentaries to television programs, all of which will be in English. Students will work in pairs/small groups to complete a variety of tasks which will center on a specific skill or skills. Assignments will include independent as well as small group research projects, public speaking and presentations. Written work will also be assigned.
 Prints, handouts, material, will be provided by the instructor.
 Suggested: A Thesaurus/ Penguin Edition
 Each student is expected to participate in the class. Everyone will be given the opportunity to be creative and make positive contributions to the class.
 Written work is to be typed/ A-4/ double-spaced. No late work, please.
 The following criteria will play a significant role in determining one's grade: active participation/ quality/completion of work/overall progress/the ability to express oneself clearly and confidently (in oral and written work), mandatory attendance (per the USH guidelines).
2.Introduce research topic. (social responsibility)
3.Partners discuss and prioritize.
4.Review presentation skills.
5.Presentation preparation. (power point equipment check)
6.Presentation. (peer evaluation)
7.Presentation. (peer evaluation)
8.Presentation. (peer evaluation)
9.Schedule adjustment.
10.Introduce summer reading assignment.(Contemporary Literature)
11.Check selections and review questions.
12.Introduce cultural assimilation (upcoming film)
13.Documentary film. (Chinese adoption, worksheet)
14.Small group discussion: pros - cons.
15.Wrap- up. (review summer assignment)
16.Student interviews.
17.Discuss independent reading assignment.
18.Film. (The King's Speech- the art of public speaking).
19.Film. (reaction paper)
20.Introduce research topic. (controversial global issues)
21.Small group discussion. (prioritize)
22.Preparation. (power point equipment check)
23.Schedule adjustment.
24.Presentation. (peer evaluation)
25.Presentation. (peer evaluation)
26.Presentation. (peer evaluation)
27.Introduce body language and cultural practices.
28.Individual observations. (visual aid -slides)
29.Class discussion-individual observations. (feedback)
30.Wrap up.
 Everyone in the class will be expected to participate and speak English. Each student will have opportunities to be creative, and make positive contributions to the class. Active participation/discussion will be required.

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